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Chartered Cities | Heimat im 21. Jahrhundert

Der politische Arm der aktiven Zivilgesellschaft in Europa

Chartered Cities | Die Heimat im 21. Jahrhundert

The homeland in the 21st century will be adopted home. People have already among countless goods. Offered the choice, can choose between a wide range for all areas of life insurance and constantly get new technical products. Why should they choose in the area of coexistence for the maintenance of a forced solution, which is expensive and poor overall functioning? How bad does it work, is reflected sometimes in mind that successful policy „set mark“ nowadays on problem management and specialization. Especially the service providers of all income groups are not, however, put up with permanently excluded from the respective political class after line and thread and to be patronized, and without having any relevant voice. Private community solve this problem, which due to the system can not be solve by the Ancien Régime. Therefore, they will sooner or later emerge.

You think this is a mere thought experiment, a theoretical spinning? You could be fooled.

For several years, corresponding efforts are already underway. In 2009, the Stanford professor Paul Romer went public with his proposal of „Chartered Cities“. The idea was to develop in developing countries formerly uninhabited areas by industrialized countries with their right and their officials, so as to create a zone of prosperity locally. Romer described this as „Canada developed a Hongkong in Cuba“ model. As a result, such approaches were actually pursued in Madagascar and Honduras, but they failed because a ruled third country zone at home was rather unwelcome by the local policy.

It turned out that an administration that is at least partially carried out by private companies, could be a viable alternative. The creation of appropriate special zones was approved in Honduras by constitutional amendment. These manage largely by its own right and with its own staff. After years of preparation, it currently looks as though soon the first such zone will be established in Honduras.

The founded by Patri Friedman, grandson of Economics Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, in 2008 Seasteading project was designed originally to build so-called Floating Cities outside the territorial waters of States. After technical feasibility studies, however, showed that floating cities are connected on the high seas due to the motion of the sea with such substantial costs that a conversion is not currently feasible. Instead, the Seasteading Institute has now passed to conceive such independent cities in sheltered bays within territorial waters. At present, three countries negotiations underway.

The first companies that want to operate or finance profit basis, free and independent private Cities ashore, have been established in this or last year, about Neway Capital or Private Free Cities Ltd. Several projects are already being negotiated. The solution to the political problems of today could therefore come from a completely unexpected quarter: namely by entrepreneurs who are hoping to make a profit that they offer a better product on the market.